Mandala Ventures is aimed to make wellness, mindfulness and compassion globally accessible to everyone. Through our offerings and partnerships we activate and enable human qualities of living with awareness, gratitude, kindness, compassion, courage and respect. We offer a playground to our partners and communities to co-create offerings that enable conditions for human flourishing.

We call ourselves Mandala because it represents a circle of wholeness with a unifying center. Human development and flourishing are at the center of Mandala Ventures.
Our Initiatives
Workplace Wellness and Mindfulness
We create conditions for human flourishing in workplaces. When humans feel well, when they are mindfully present, when they can work together with ease and safety — an organization can accomplish a lot more than otherwise. We are proud to partner with world-renowned leaders, scientists, and experts. Our offerings will meet organizations where they are and help them manage their biggest challenges. Community development is at the heart of our work — we engage, empower and unleash the power of community within organizations that create and sustain the culture of well-being, trust, safety, and compassion.
Advisors & Partners
Wellness Startups and Nonprofits Growth Accelerator
We aspire to see the growth of technology that is good for humans. Excessive use of and reliance on technology can have detrimental effects on our health. Technology has become our lifeline, it's a force that will continue to get stronger with time. We focus on enabling and accelerating the growth of technology that helps humanity thrive, flourish and connect with each other beyond the screens. We advise, coach, and support founders who embody these qualities and want to create products that enable human flourishing and connection. See our portfolio
Well Spaces
We leverage the science of Neuro-Architecture — a study of how the body and brain respond to the built environment — and offer training and 1:1 consultations for creating well-spaces at homes and offices. Our goal is to help you design a space in your office or at your home where you feel calm and focussed, sharp, and stimulated, in harmony and inspired to live your best life and do your best work.
Renewal Retreats and Offsites
In this fast-moving world, it has become harder to stop, rest, reflect and renew our energy and enthusiasm in life. Life is short, we live most days on an auto-pilot not knowing why we are on this planet, what is our life's purpose.

Our retreats are uniquely designed to create this sacred pause in your life so you can deeply connect with yourself, others, and this planet we live on.
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